Orange County's "Best" Or "Top-Rated" DUI Lawyer In Orange County
"Experienced" "strong," "aggressive," "effective" and "dedicated" are words that people commonly used to describe Orange County DUI Attorney Peter F. Iocona: Orange County's "Best" or "Top-Rated" DUI Defense Attorneys.
Attorney Peter F. Iocona is regarded as one of, if not the best, Orange County DUI Trial Attorney based on a proven track-record of Not Guilty verdicts and/or Hung Jury Verdicts leading to the dismissal of Driving under the Influence charges.
If you are faced with charges of driving under the influence of alcohol, drugs or alcohol and drugs in Orange County, California, contact Peter F. Iocona today for a free consultation.
Peter F. Iocona, Attorney at Law, began in 2009 while Mr. Iocona was serving as the lead trial attorney and manager attorney for The Law Office of Barry T. Simons, where Mr. Iocona began his career in 2000.
Rated by "Super Lawyers," Peter F. Iocona is considered one of Orange County's "Best" or "Top-Rated" DUI Defense Trial Attorneys.
In 2014, Attorney Peter F. Iocona was selected as one of Orange County's "Top-Rated DUI Attorneys".
In 2015, Mr. Iocona was Rated by "Super Lawyers" and named a "Super Lawyers Rising Star" - a designation given to only 2.5% of all the lawyers in the State of California. Attorney Peter F. Iocona was Rated by "Super Lawyers" again in 2016.
Mr. Iocona has also been selected as one of the "Top 100 Trial Lawyers" by the National Trial Lawyers Association.
In 2015 Mr. Iocona was also selected in 2015 for inclusion into the distinguished list of the "Nation’s Top One Percent" by the National Association of Distinguished Counsel (NADC).
Mr. Iocona is/was a "Member" of The National College for DUI Defense (NCDD); The DUI Defense Lawyers Association (DUIDLA); and The California DUI Lawyers Association (CDLA). Mr. Iocona is a frequent guest lecturer for CDLA and other organizations and has given numerous lectures on issues related to DUI Defense.
Mr. Iocona has successfully tried over 50 cases throughout Southern California. Mr. Iocona is considered one of Southern California's most experienced and talented trial attorneys, particularly in DUI defense, due to his understanding of the scientific defenses behind a DUI charge.
Who Is the "Best" Or "Top-Rated" DUI Defense Lawyer In Orange County?
"Experienced" "strong," "aggressive," "effective" and "dedicated" are words commonly used to describe Orange County DUI Attorney Peter F. Iocona: Orange County's "Best" or "Top-Rated" DUI Defense Trial Attorney.
Peter F. Iocona is considered one of the best if not the best DUI Trial Attorney in Orange County, California based on his unmatched results in obtaining "Not Guilty" verdicts, which in turn has resulted in his ability to obtain reductions or dismissals in cases where other Orange County DUI Defense Attorneys have failed to achieve such results.
If you are faced with a charge of driving under the influence of alcohol, drugs or alcohol and drugs, contact Peter F. Iocona for a free consultation and case evaluation.
Click the link to learn more about Peter F. Iocona, the "Best DUI Defense Attorney in Orange County".
What If I Hold A Professional License And Am Charged With DUI?
A common situation that often arises is where the person who is charged with DUI also holds a professional license. If you are the holder of a professional license and are charged with DUI or some other crime, you need a defense lawyer who not only practices DUI Defense; but also professional license defense.
If you are the holder of any one or more of the following professional licenses, you need to contact Orange County DUI and California Professional Licensing Defense Attorney Peter F. Iocona for a free consultation.
If you hold any one or more of the above-listed professional licenses and have been charged with DUI, contact California Professional Licensing Defense Attorney Peter F. Iocona immediately for a free consultation.
10 Ways To Fight and Beat Orange County, California DUI Charges:
There are numerous defenses to a DUI charge in Orange County, California; however, here are just a few to sample:
- An unlawful stop by law enforcement officer, such as insufficient DUI Driving Clues leading to a dismissal via a Motion to Suppress;
- No Objective Signs of Intoxication or Insufficient Evidence of Impairment;
- Improper Administration of Field Sobriety Tests, Good Field Sobriety Test Performance, or No Field Sobriety Tests Conducted;
- Inaccurate Preliminary Alcohol Screening (PAS) Test Results;
- Rising BAC Level, otherwise referred to as a "Rising BAC Defense";
- Medical Defenses for DUI, including GERD and Specialized Defenses for Women;
- Faulty or Improper Administration of the Evidential Breath Test Device and the Results;
- Improper Administration of a Blood Testing Procedures or Improper Administration of Blood Testing Protocols;
- Improper Police Conduct Relating to the DUI Investigation, such as improper DUI Checkpoints or DUI Saturation Patrols; and
- Extenuating Circumstances and/or Collateral Consequences, such as being the holder of a Professional License.
I Was Arrested For DUI In Orange County - What Must I Do Now?
To learn more about your rights and obligations, check-out some of our most popular links to answer the most frequently asked questions:
Driving Under the Influence Charges & Penalties
To learn more about the charges and penalties associated with a driving under the influence charge, check out the following links:

If you are facing a first offense DUI, there is an increased likelihood of proceeding to trial. Thus, it is important to hire a DUI Trial Lawyer to defend you against an Orange County DUI charge because DUI Trial Lawyers get better results. This is why you need Peter F. Iocona, Attorney at Law, and the DUI Defense Attorneys of The SoCal Law Network to defend you.
As is often explained to clients, criminal defense, which includes DUI Defense, is a sport. Like any sport, our opposition, the Orange County District Attorney's Office, "sizes up" their competition. If their opposition has a reputation for "settling" cases and never goes to trial, the Orange County District Attorney will never give that attorney a better deal than just an average deal. However, if the Orange County District Attorney is up against an attorney with a reputation for not only going to trial; but also winning trials, the Orange County District Attorney is more likely to offer a better deal to avoid going to trial and risk losing that trial and obtaining a loss on their record as this hampers their ability to advance within the organization.
Peter F. Iocona, Attorney at Law and the Orange County DUI Lawyers of The SoCal Law Network, focus on multiple offenders, which would include those charged with a Second Offense DUI, Third Offense DUI, or Fourth Offense DUI or worse yet, DUI With Injury or DUI Vehicular Manslaughter. If you are being charged as a multiple offenders in Orange County, or are facing a charge of DUI With Injury or DUI Vehicular Manslaughter, you need to expect that you will be facing not only a considerable amount of actual jail time but also a lengthy license suspension period followed by the requirement that you install an Ignition Interlock Device (IID) in your vehicle.
A First Offense DUI Offender can typically face up to 10 days in jail, especially if the First Offense DUI Offender has an out-of-statute prior DUI Conviction or there was an accident with or without injury. This makes the need for a person being charged with a First Offense DUI to only hire a DUI Trial Lawyer to obtain the best possible outcome.
A Second Offense DUI Offender typically faces 90 to 120 days in jail. The good news is that through fruitful negotiations, this time can be served via the Orange County Probation Department's Supervised Electronic Confinement (SEC) Program; however, there is no guarantee that this will be offered and depends on the skill and the experience of your Orange County DUI Defense Attorney knowing how to obtain such a resolution.
A Third Offense DUI Offender typically faces 180 to up to 270 days in jail. While this time could be served via the Orange County Probation Department's Supervised Electronic Confinement (SEC) Program there is no guarantee that this will be offered, especially on a third offense DUI for two (2) reasons: (1) Judges are reluctant to offer SEC because most Third Offense DUI Offenders previously served their time via the SEC Program; and (2) the Orange County Probation Department typically will typically not permit a DUI Offender who previously served his/her time via the SEC Program to serve their time via the SEC Program on subsequent DUI Offenses; thus requiring an Appeal. In either case, a person charged with a Third Offense DUI needs a skilled and experienced Orange County DUI Defense Attorney can navigate through these obstacles to obtain such a resolution.
A Fourth Offense DUI Offender typically faces one year to 16 months in state prison, with little option for serving the time via the Orange County Probation Department's Supervised Electronic Confinement (SEC) Program. A skilled and experienced Orange County DUI Attorney can keep you out of actual jail or prison, though, by using other sentencing options.
Can I Be Arrested For DUI If I Am Taking Prescription Medication?
A common question we often get is: "Can I be charged with DUI for taking my prescription medications?" The short answer is "Yes," and the stark reality is, it is far too common the people are charged with driving under the influence of prescription medications just because they are prescribed a certain type of medication. This is especially true for those taking "pain medications," as law enforcement will automatically jump to the conclusion that you were under the influence of the prescription medication and just happened to have been involved in a traffic collision.

Can I Be Arrested for DUI Marijuana?
Now with marijuana being legal, Orange County Law Enforcement Agencies have increased DUI Enforcement of DUI Drugs, particularly, DUI Marijuana. One of the problems for a person charged with DUI Marijuana is that marijuana stays in one's bloodstream for 30-to-45 days, thereby increasing the chances of DUI Marijuana charges being filed in Orange County even with the smallest amount of THC if the officer believes you were under the influence of marijuana. If you are charged with DUI Marijuana in Orange County or anywhere in Southern California, you need to experience DUI Attorneys and who are not afraid to proceed to trial - you need an experienced DUI Trial Lawyer.

If you are a woman, there are various biological defenses which can be used in your defense. Women tend to have blood alcohol levels that can read higher than those of men who have consumed exactly the same quantity of alcohol due to differences in the rate at which the body metabolizes alcohol and the manner in which hormonal changes effect the way in which the body processes alcohol.
Click the link to learn more about DUI Issues & Women
The government’s experts and machines assume that all persons are the same; but if you suffer from any one of hundreds of medical conditions you may not be a "proper candidate" for the field sobriety tests that were administered by the officer roadside or the breath and/or blood tests that you were compelled to take after your DUI arrest.

Peter F. Iocona has a library of over 2500 scientific and medical articles relating to defenses in DUI cases which he uses to determine whether conditions ranging from gum disease to attention deficit disorder may provide an effective defense to DUI. It is therefore important that you find out from a DUI Specialist whether your medical condition can count in your favor in your DUI case. Some simple conditions such as the flu and/or being tested during your menstrual cycle may cause breath testing devices used in Orange County to give false readings. Some conditions such as diabetes or low sodium levels can cause a person to appear intoxicated in the total absence of either alcohol or drugs.
Orange County DUI Defense Attorney Peter F. Iocona can provide you with a detailed DUI medical questionnaire to help us try to determine if you have any medical conditions that can assist you in successfully defending your Orange County DUI case.
Click the link to learn more about Medical Defenses
Can Experienced Orange County DUI Lawyers Challenge My Field Sobriety Test Results?
If you were subjected to a Field Sobriety Test upon being stopped by an officer, there are several ways in which this can be challenged by your Orange County DUI Defense Attorney.
Because Field Sobriety Tests do not produce any scientific data and are often conducted erroneously by officers who have not been sufficiently trained in conducting these tests, this can be a strong component of your defense. Those who are physically disabled may also be unable to perform these tests for reasons other than sobriety. Our Firm’s DUI Lawyers have been specially trained on how to properly conduct field sobriety tests and have lectured and taught other lawyers on how to challenge these non-scientific field coordination tests.

Can Experienced Orange County DUI Attorneys Challenge The Breath Test Results?
There are various ways in which breath testing can be called into question in your trial. There may be an assumption on the part of the test conductor that the equipment was working properly and had been properly calibrated. Breath tests generally assume that the person being tested has a specific breath temperature, and a person who has a higher body temperature due to fever or being seated in a heated car can produce a false elevated reading.
There are many other defenses that exist in this area as well as breath tests are an indirect measurement of your true blood alcohol level, not a direct measurement. Your Orange County DUI Defense Attorney can consider these defenses to see if any of them fit your Orange County DUI case.
Experienced Orange County DUI Lawyers Located In Orange County
Being arrested for DUI can be a terrifying and confusing experience, especially in the County of Orange because the Courts are considered some of the toughest courts in the State. This is especially true if you are charged with multiple offenses where the exposure to jail time is almost guaranteed, such as a Second Offense DUI, Third Offense DUI, Fourth Offense DUI, or worse yet, a DUI With Great Bodily Injury, or even DUI Vehicular Manslaughter. It is equally true if you were charged DUI-Drugs, particularly DUI-Marijuana and DUI Prescription Drugs as both are now legal to consume.
If you were arrested for DUI in Orange County, you need lawyers with experience. You need to hire Orange County DUI Lawyer Peter F. Iocona to defend you: Orange County's "Best" or "Top-Rated" DUI Defense Attorney.
In choosing an Orange County DUI Lawyer, you need a lawyer with experience. Peter F. Iocona is regarded as one of Orange County's "Top-Rated" or "Best" DUI Defense Trial Attorneys in Southern California having tried numerous cases to "Not Guilty" verdicts or mistrials, which are commonly referred to as a "Hung Jury", which oftentimes leads to a reduction in the charges instead of a retrial.
Peter F. Iocona has also won numerous Motions to Suppress evidence, which resulted in the dismissal of Driving Under the Influence Charges in Orange County, California.

Proven Results - High Set Aside Rate Saving Driver's Licenses
Remember: DMV APS hearings can be won!
If you win your hearing, you avoid a suspension of your driver's license. To learn more about APS hearings and valuable tips on how to win your hearing to save your license visit:
To learn about other DMV hearings and valuable tips on how to retain the ability to drive after a re-examination hearing visit:
These hearings can be won if you have an attorney with both the knowledge and the experience to prevail. Look no further than the Orange County DUI Lawyers of Peter F. Iocona, Attorney at Law and The SoCal Law Network.
Proven Results - High Dismissal Rate of DUI Charges
We have one of the highest success rates in Orange County for dismissals, reductions, and findings of not guilty by verdict. This is why the firm is the best choice to defend you against an Orange County driving under the influence charge so as to allow you the highest chances of avoiding a conviction.
One of the most effective ways to obtain a dismissal of Orange County DUI Charges is through a Motion to Suppress Evidence pursuant to Penal Code Section 1538.5, which can be based on any one or more of the following alleged Vehicle Code violations:
There are certain exceptions to consider when evaluating the ability to succeed at a motion to suppress hearing. An experienced defense attorney will know how to properly evaluate all of the evidence in order to know best how to proceed in light of these exceptions to the Fourth Amendment:
Keep in mind that every case is different. While the exceptions may have applied to the facts of those cases, they may not apply to yours; thus making your arrest unlawful and leading to the suppression of the evidence and a dismissal.
If you were arrested at a DUI Sobriety Checkpoint, or by officers or deputies working as part of a Driving Under the Influence DUI Saturation Patrol/Roving Patrol, there is usually audio and/or video as well, which can be integral pieces to your defense. Additionally, all the law enforcement agencies are required to document that the vehicles stopped at a Sobriety Checkpoint were done by way of a neutral mathematical formula to remove unlawful authority of police officers serving as "greeters" at a checkpoint.
To learn more about Sobriety Checkpoints and DUI Saturation or Roving DUI Patrols, click one of the links below:
OC DUI Lawyer Peter F. Iocona thoroughly reviews all of the evidence that the government intends to use against you to develop defenses that win. There is no substitute for the experience that this high-powered Orange County DUI Lawyer brings to your case and the impact he can have on the outcome of your Orange County DUI case.
Can Experienced Orange County DUI Lawyers Help With Interstate Licensing Consequences?
If you are an out-of-state resident and are charged with DUI in the state of California, there are several details of which you need to be informed. One is that if your privilege to drive is suspended in the State of California. You will not necessarily be able to keep your driver’s license privileges in your home state.
With the careful intervention of an experienced and skilled DUI lawyer, you may be able to keep your driver’s license in your home state. A lawyer who is knowledgeable about issues concerning out-of-state residents and interstate licensing consequences can provide you with specialized representation in this field of law.
If you were charged with DUI in Orange County and have an out-of-state license, contact Peter F. Iocona for assistance.
Orange County DUI Defense: The Evidence Is The Key To Your DUI Defenses
This website focuses on the discovery, or evidence, one can expect to find if they were arrested for drunk driving in Orange County, California. The discovery, or evidence, is what you should expect your lawyers to obtain to determine whether any legal and/or factual defenses exist in your case.
Arrested for DUI in One of These Orange County Cities?
Most law enforcement agencies make audio and video recordings of the stop, detention, arrest, and sometimes even of the chemical test, whether it be a breath or blood test. Some agencies are now using body cameras. This information can be invaluable to an experienced and knowledgeable drunk driving attorney who understands the defenses behind a drunk driving case.
In addition to audio and video recordings of the traffic stop from the patrol vehicle recorder, almost every law enforcement agency in Orange County, California, wear Body Worn Cameras (BWC), which capture the entire Orange County DUI Investigation in far better quality than the previous patrol vehicle recording devices, permitting an experienced Orange County DUI Attorney a great deal of evidence to review to develop legal and/or factual defenses to your Orange County DUI case.
If you are interviewing different Orange County DUI Lawyers, you want to ask each of them whether they routinely subpoena evidence and whether they actually review the because most rarely even request or review any of the evidence that can and will be used against you in court. To learn more about the types of discovery, or evidence, for each city within the County, click the appropriate link below.
Orange County DUI Attorneys Providing DUI Defense in Orange County, California: Laguna Hills, Laguna Beach, Orange
FREE CONSULTATION: (949) 235-2250