All of these are important questions and are answered briefly below. For further reading on Frequently Asked DUI Questions, click the appropriate link to learn more about the subject you are seeking additional information.

If you were arrested for DUI in Orange County, (or anywhere for that matter), you probably have a lot of questions, such as:
All of these Frequently Asked DUI Questions are important questions and are answered briefly below. For further reading regarding Frequently Asked DUI Questions, click the appropriate link to learn more about the subject you are seeking information. Remember, Peter F. Iocona and the DUI Defense Attorneys of The SoCal Law Network offer a free DUI Consultation and Case Evaluation and can provide more detailed answers and explanations to these Frequently Asked DUI Questions.
The first thing you have to do is do your homework - and fast - because the first thing you need to have done is the scheduling of your DMV APS Hearing and you only have ten (10) calendar days to request your DMV APS Hearing. Click the link to learn "What You Must Do Now!" to learn more.
If you fail to request a hearing within ten (10) calendar days from the date of the Orange County DUI arrest, you will lose your driver's license privileges after the passage of thirty (30) calendar days from the date of the DUI arrest.
If you intend to hire an Orange County DUI Lawyer, you should hire an attorney within the ten (10) calendar day period to allow the Orange County DUI Attorney to request the hearing.
The second thing to remember is that the DMV APS Hearing is separate from the court case. Do not confuse the arraignment date with a DMV APS Hearing date, as they are not the same. The DUI arraignment date is set by the arresting agency when you are released from custody. The DMV APS Hearing date requires the setting of an actual hearing.
Remember: You only have ten days to request a hearing to save your license!
Click to learn more about California DMV APS Hearings
The third thing to remember is that before the arraignment, there is evidence that needs to be obtained and reviewed to determine what defenses exist to your Orange County DUI charge. This is why it is so important to hire a DUI Lawyer, not just any type of lawyer. The evidence is critical to your ability to defend yourself and why it is so important to have this evidence reviewed by a lawyer who is trained in how to defend against a DUI charge, let alone an Orange County DUI charge.
The fourth thing to remember is that after the arraignment, and before trial, there are negotiations that take place between the Orange County DUI Defense Attorney and the Orange County District Attorney's Office; yet another reason to hire only an experienced, and well-trained, DUI Defense Lawyer.
The fifth thing to remember is that if the case does not settle before the trial date, the matter will proceed to a trial. In the event your matter proceeds to trial, you need to be sure that you hired the Best Orange County DUI Defense Lawyer, you can find to defend you against the Orange County DUI charges. Don't settle for anything but one of the "Top-Rated" DUI Defense firms in Orange County.
There are numerous defenses to a DUI, most notably is the rising blood alcohol defense. Remember, it is not illegal to drink and drive. It is only illegal to drink and then drive if you were (1) above a 0.08% or greater at the time of driving, not at the time of the chemical test, and (2) you were impaired at the time of driving. If you were not either, then you are not guilty of DUI.
Some defenses are unique to women. Some defenses apply to anyone with certain disabilities, illnesses, or even the flu or a common cold. Only a true DUI Defense Attorney can review the evidence in your case to determine if any legal and factual defenses exist in your DUI case.
The penalties for DUI vary widely from County to County. Some Counties are harsher on DUI offenders and others are more lenient. Orange County happens to be one of the harsher Counties in the State of California.
Contrary to popular belief by attorneys who don't bother to learn the law and the science behind the defense of DUI, DMV Hearings can be won! DMV Hearings are also an important step in the process of defending you against a DUI charge. The DMV Hearing a be a very effective means of obtaining evidence and testimony for use in the event the case were to proceed to a motion or trial.
As former "Contributor Editors" to the two-volume treatise: "California Drunk Driving Law," the DUI Defense Attorneys of The SoCal Law Network possess the knowledge of the law and the science to win DMV Hearings. Do not make the mistake of missing the 10-day period in which to have your DUI Attorney contact the DMV to schedule a DMV APS Hearing.
The question of whether you should hire a lawyer is not a difficult one to answer when you consider the consequences of a DUI conviction have long-term and far-reaching consequences that may not be immediately apparent.
A criminal defense attorney is different than a DUI lawyer. The defense of DUI is a highly-specialized field of criminal defense. It involves an in-depth understanding of biology, physiology, metabolism, forensic toxicology, pharmacology, and traffic accident reconstruction. This is why you do not want to hire just any lawyer. You want to hire a DUI Defense Lawyer: a lawyer who specializes in defense of a DUI charge, especially a DUI Drug Charge.
In determining whether the attorney you are considering is a DUI Defense Attorney, check to see whether the lawyer is a member of such organizations as the National College for DUI Defense (NCDD), the DUI Defense Lawyers Association DUIDLA) and, for California specifically, the California Association for DUI Lawyers (CDLA).
Click to learn more about DUI Alcohol Charges.
Click to learn more about DUI Drug Charges.
The question of which DUI Lawyer you choose becomes easier to answer when you know what you are looking for in the DUI attorneys you are considering. The DUI lawyer you are considering should be able to easily demonstrate his or her in-depth understanding of the law and the science behind the defense of DUI. If he or she cannot do this in an understandable and simplistic manner, how can you expect that lawyer to be able to explain those complicated issues to a jury and a judge in the event the matter was to proceed to motion and trial?
Only hire a DUI Attorney who has the credentials to defend you adequately. The DUI lawyer should be a member or member of organizations that focus their organizations on the defense of DUI, such as the National College for DUI Defense (NCDD) and the California DUI Lawyers Association.
Click to learn more about Choosing an Orange County DUI Lawyer.
Click to learn more about Orange County's "Top-Rated" DUI Lawyers.
Click to learn about Why You Should Hire Us?
It should not be too surprising to know that defending against a DUI charge may be costly. Some DUI Lawyers advertise low fees but beware of the fact that many of these types of lawyers charge this amount of money only if you plead at the first court appearance or the arraignment. You can do that yourself for free.
Some of these lawyers will also charge you per appearance, starting at this low-fee rate then suddenly climbing much higher than the "teaser rate" that was advertised. In the end, one may question whether one can trust these types of lawyers to be qualified enough to review your case, analyze the evidence, and determine whether any legal and factual defenses exist that would result in a dismissal or a reduction of the charges.
Those lawyers who truly "specialize" in DUI defense are qualified to review your case, to analyze the evidence, and to determine whether any legal and factual defenses exist that would result in a dismissal or a reduction of the charges. You are investing in protecting your rights and defending your case.
The consultation is free. All you have to lose is some time to discuss a matter that has had an impact on your life, and you have questions that need answering.
Orange County DUI Attorneys Providing DUI Defense in Orange County - Laguna Hills, Laguna Beach, Orange
FREE CONSULTATION: (949) 235-2250