Regarding Politician Dan Pabon's DUI Arrest, according to this news report, Democratic Speaker Pro Tem Dan Pabon wept as he gave an emotional apology on the state House floor Monday, March 21, 2016, after his arrest last week on suspicion of driving under the influence and not having proper registration documents.
According to the report, Dan Pabon stated in his sincere apology that: "I apologize to my wife, my kids, my family, my colleagues and my community," while sobbing. He also stated: "I will work tirelessly to restore your confidence in me."
According to the news report, Mr. Pabon, plans to keep his legislative seat and declined to step down from his No. 2 post in the Democratic chamber. Mr. Pabon told the press: "My conduct carries with it a lot of consequences, both legal and professional, and I'm willing to accept whatever that is."
The story is yet another demonstration of lawmakers acting in direct contravention of the very laws that they create – they portray themselves to the public as having a zero-tolerance position on DUI when they are in fact committing DUI Offenses themsevles. How do we know this? In his remarks on the floor, Mr. Pabon acknowledged that he had worked in the legislature to pass laws to stiffen penalties for impaired driving, including a measure this session to mandate an appearance before a victim-impact panel "for those, like me, who choose to drink and drive, so they can come face to face with real-life victims of those bad choices."
According to the news report, Mr. Pabon pledged to win back the confidence of his family, colleagues and voters as he seeks re-election in November.
Denver Post:
Blog Entry: Politician Dan Pabon's DUI Arrest (Peter F. Iocona, Attorney at Law)